Oral Sedation
Oral sedation is a great option for patients with mild to moderate anxiety. It works using a commonly prescribed medication that you’ll take just before your procedure. As your medication takes effect, you’ll begin to feel more and more relaxed, and any sense of anxiety you were experiencing will begin to melt away. Imagine resting comfortably in our chair while we assist you with your important dental needs. If that’s almost impossible for you to image, the good news is that it’s absolutely possible. Every day we help patients have a completely different kind of experience than they’re used to, thanks to oral sedation.
When your appointment is over, you can leave with the knowledge that you’ve received help that will improve both your oral and overall well-being. It will take some time for the effects of your sedation to wear off, though. Be sure you have a friend or family member with you to drive you home. While the effects of your medication will wear off later in the day, we recommend taking a break from your normal routine until the next day.