Crown Lengthening
When you look at your smile in the mirror, what words come to mind? If words like “stubby” or “short” pop into your head, the truth might surprise you. It’s not that your teeth are too short; it’s that you have too much gum tissue. Just underneath your gums there is actually a fuller and more attractive smile waiting to be unveiled.
How can you unveil it? That’s where a service like crown lengthening comes in. During a crown lengthening procedure at Dr. Hsu’s Irving or Southlake office, we’ll help you improve the appearance of your smile by surgically removing excess gum tissue. With this tissue gone, you can finally smile with greater confidence and well-being.
During a special consultation appointment, Dr. Hsu will evaluate your needs and discuss your goals with you. If you have questions about what a crown lengthening procedure involves, we’ll be happy to answer them at this time. We can also talk to you about our sedation options. Thanks to sedation dentistry, patients can look forward to a comfortable and anxiety-free surgical procedure.
Call our office in Irving or Southlake to request a crown lengthening consultation. We’re committed to helping you create a shapelier and more attractive smile.